Ill try to bring you all up to speed, but instead of long entries like previous as I have over a million days to cover it will probably be a brief synopsis instead of the event by event doohicky I got going on prior.
Also there will not be many photos, I don’t have a camera – I had to give it back to Ben so any I show on here I will have lifted from FB till I get my own camera.
Yes. Wonderful.
Saturday I went for dinner with Father and a friend of his who has been an expat from Britain for 15 or so years here. Moved to Singapore and even got married. As im here for a year its probably a good thing to know someone.
Had a really good evening actually and tried all the local specialities in a local food court, very different from the touristy ones in terms of food offered and prices.
Especially prices, a Chilli crab (one of the specialities here) which would have cost $70 at Boat Quay even with “special discount for you” cost $40 here. Its fucking delicious.
So yeah, had a meal and met some of Wills friends (the expat) and got on quite well with them. All businessmen who have set out on their own. Kind of the intrepid men I thought died out in the 30’s – you know, the whole great pioneer thing.
After that we went to a Bar and Will stuffed me with G&T. Very kind of him but probably super expensive. I didn’t ask him to once in my defence. He is a very cool laid back gym and his wife is also wonderful.
I don’t think actually I’ve ever seen a more perfect couple. That’s how I would like to be I think if I eventually ever get married. But yeah that was my Saturday. Taxi home drunk with Brother and Father around 4. Will made me promise to call him and his friends gave me their email addresses. I still haven’t used them. I must do that.
Sunday, Bloody Sunday.
Actually it was Sunday, sunny Sunday.
Woke up late and had to PELT it from the hotel to the subway to get back to halls in time for the group trip of the day.
We went to Sentosa, a small island off the mainland which has been artificially created and turned into a beach. Met a lot of nice new people and some who aren’t so nice. It seems that people are either really open to new friends or will only talk to those of their own nationality. Im looking at you here the Irish and the Germans. Buck your ideas up. One Irish guy actually turned away and resumed talking to his group of Irish friends when I stuck out my hand to shake.
Maybe its just me he took offence to but seriously in my mind if you come on exchange you do it to meet new people from new places, not to spend time with people just from your uni?
Anyway had a Hotdog with some guys around 2 which was horrible. No pork really as the country has a much higher muslim population then the UK so its mainly chicken. Yummy for mechanically reclaimed chicken meat. However it killed the hunger pains and I DO love the Chilli ketchup here (they don’t have normal tomato)
Oh the beach is strange, while beautiful the country makes a lot of its income from shipping. In the video you should be able to see about 100 tankers just offshore. Very surreal. The water as well is a little oily no doubt due to the floating armada just offshore. Still a lovely place though. Made some new friends as I discussed. I seem to get on well with north Europeans such as the Norwegians and the Danes. Nice guys.
If of course you can ignore the whole rape and pillage thing of British shores for hundreds of years. Which being a forward thinking individual I can.
Anyway came back eventually tired, happy and sunburnt. After dinner in the mass food court we all went to a party off halls at Commonwealth campus – a hall that as its off uni property is unregulated by its rules ie: no drinking.
That was really nice actually, a massive gathering of people all talking and being friendly. It hit home though how much the English drink, me and the other British guy Killian sank a 6 pack each in about 2 hours which is pretty slow going. Most people were still on 1 or 2 cans. That’s binge Britain for you I guess.
Anyway Katie Maddocks by later to say hi came by as she lives in that hall and had a fine time talking with her and the others. She is a much nicer person to know then I first thought she would be in uni. We always up until this point had a cold relationship, as in we knew of each other and that was both about as far as the other wanted.
Anyway she left after an hour or so much better friends with me then we were before and I spend the rest of the evening teaching people how to swear in English. The basic concept I think is to string as many as you can. However there are certain rules. One swear can be friendly ie: “oh, go fuck yourself”
That can be said in a friendly manner.
However “go fuck yourself you ugly shiteating motherfucker” is never friendly.
It took more time then I though to get that simple concept home.
Took a taxi back with the others around 4. Drunk and happy asleep by 5.
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